

Can I just be real with you for one minute?


1,400 people looked at my website yesterday. 

1,400 people saw my work in ONE day.

1,400 witnessed my passion and supported me in one way or another just by being interested in my page.

1,400 people saw that I want to help families who have children with developmental delays to capture that perfect moment that describes their family and children so perfectly.

1,400 people saw my gorgeous friends, family, and coworkers that have already let me take their photographs.

1,400 people.

Before I launched my new website and Facebook page, I was nervous to expose myself in a way that I never have before. When starting your own business, there's so much insecurity about what people will think of your work. I let my insecurities get the best of me right before I pressed the "publish" page by saying to myself, "Wait, the website isn't quite done! There's more that I can do!" Then, I had this overwhelming calm feeling of "you are right where you need to be". I pushed my insecurities aside and made one big click with my computer mouse.

The response I have received has humbled me. It has shown me how many great people I have in my life and how many great people they know as well. Networking is a funny and amazing thing, isn't it??

To the 1,400 people, THANK YOU. You've reiterated why I've quit my job, bought expensive camera gear, and have jumped into this business whole heartedly relying on Him. You are all so precious to me. 

Now, let's get photoshoots going!


iPhone picture credit: Chelsea Simmons ;)

iPhone picture credit: Chelsea Simmons ;)

